What is creative thinking and why is it important for the kids?

Creative thinking is an invaluable skill to have. It helps one think outside the box and indicates cognitive soundness.

SupDup Kids
3 min readMay 19, 2021

Creative thinking enables one to approach problems differently and find new and innovative solutions as opposed to following the norms.

Bill Gates once said “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” What Bill Gates refers to as lazy here isn’t just lazy, it’s creative. It isn’t everyone’s cup of tea to find easy solutions to tough problems.

Creative individuals think laterally, which means they can perceive patterns that aren’t obvious. To be given the same problem as everyone else, and be able to find a different solution is what creative thinking is all about.

Some of us live under the wrong impression of creativity. We tend to believe creativity is just artistic, but in reality, it is so much more.

While creativity is much talked about and lauded in artistic fields, it also silently seeps into the world of science and technology, management, and so on.

You call a person making a great painting creative, then what do you call a person designing a robot? Creative too, right? Creativity breeds innovation. If everyone thinks the same way, we’d never have anything new at all.

A creative mind can analyze a problem critically and clearly and find simple and innovative solutions.

To be able to find unprecedented solutions, one must let go of any biases that one may have and push their boundaries.

But, the real question is, can you become creative, or is it innate?

The truth is that we all are creative and everything else our level of talent differs. Like every skill, creativity can also be honed through practice. So basically, one’s creativity can be trained if not taught.

So, how to train and strengthen the creativity that already exists within you?

Here’s where SupDup comes to your rescue.

  1. Creativity is nurtured by challenging the minds of kids, making them do activities not just for examinations and school, but for the sake of fun and growth.
  2. Younger kids are naturally more creative with their ability to elaborately imagine situations and play all by themselves.
  3. Kids develop not just characters but dialogues in their imaginary play.

4. At such an age, parents can either cultivate this creativity or choose to let it diminish with age.

5. However, parents are super busy these days, so kids need a companion that takes up the responsibility of nurturing them.

SupDup’s just the right companion for your kids.

SupDup’s regular challenges along with various workshops foster creativity.

It enables interaction among peers, which enables them to think not just beyond their box but also sneak-peek into the minds of others.

The wholesomeness of the beyond-the-school experience keeps kids hooked, stirs up their minds, and helps them evaluate tasks critically and find solutions creatively.



SupDup Kids

SupDup is a creative learning portal for the smart Gen-Z kids with a very out of ordinary approach to learning.